First Christian Church

105 West Broadway Street - Brook, Indiana 47922

                        "Opening the Door in 2024"

Office hours - Monday -Friday 8:30-12:00 a.m. (Closed on holidays.)

Sunday's morning worship will be at 10:00 a.m. each Sunday. For those online, the service is streamed on Facebook beginning about 9:50 a.m. 

Our services are open for all who would like to attend.    


***Please note that we are putting the series from John on hold until we get close to Holy Week.

We will do a mini-series based on Hebrews 10:26-13:25 titled "Looking to Jesus"



**Note the return to series from John’s Gospel

“That You May Know”

Mar 23

Betrayed and Arrested

John 18:1-14

Mar 30

The Denial by Peter

John 18:15-27

Apr   6

A Question of Truth

John 18:28-38a

Join us in-person or on-line as we continue to stream the services live on Facebook with the Prelude beginning at about 9:50 a.m..  Many have chosen to join with us in worship by means of these 'live' broadcasts. 

NOTE -- On Sunday mornings, we now have a Sunday School class at 9:00 a.m. for our youth. There is already an adult class that meets each week.

**Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal & Bible Study this week - meal at 6:30 p.m.

Chauncey and Jessie

We want you to know that we joined First Christian Church with a desire to serve not only the members of the church, but also the community.  Jessie and I have been married over twenty-six years.  During that time we have come to realize that ministry is something we do together.  We are here to serve you, but we can only do that if you are willing to let us know what is needed and how we can work together.   

For your information:

Chauncey began his ministerial studies at Lincoln Christian College.  He received the B.A. degree in Christian Education in 1975.  He continued his education at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (Louisville, KY), being awarded the Master of Divinity (M.Div.) in 1978, Chauncey stayed an additional year to pursue graduate studies in the areas of Christian Ethics and New Testament Theology. He was recently awarded the Th.M. in Biblical Studies by Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. While teaching for the Jefferson County Public Schools (1997-2004), Chauncey attended Indiana University S.E. (New Albany, IN).  It was there the M.S. in Education was completed (May 2005).

Returning to Lincoln Christian University in 2007, Chauncey was a part of the first cohort in their newly accredited doctoral program.  He was granted the Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) in Church and Parachurch Leadership (May 2011). His doctoral project is titled “Leading Through Adaptive Change: Moving Conceptually from a ‘Membership’ to a ‘Mission’ Paradigm.”  A second area of doctoral work was completed by means of a post-doctoral residency in Spiritual Formation (2012-2013).

Chauncey has served as a youth minister, an associate minister, and as the lead minister in congregations located in Kentucky, Indiana, and Illinois.  He is a member of Spiritual Directors International (S.D.I.) and the Evangelical Spiritual Directors Association (E.S.D.A.).  Chauncey has taught at The College of the Scriptures (Louisville) and, most recently, with the Institute of Biblical Studies of Monterrey (Monterrey, Mexico).  

You can contact him at

For your information:

Bible Studies

There are Sunday-School classes on Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m.  We also have a time of Bible study and prayer on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm, following a fellowship meal at 6:30 pm.  We are currently in the book of Psalms.

Youth Programming

Call the church office at 219-275-2111 for more details

Listen Online

Sermons are up online! Click here to listen or download sermon audio.

If you would like an audio CD of a sermon, please contact the church office.

Beacon and Bulletins

Check out our monthly newsletter and weekly bulletins